Lots of people will support you on your face but won’t on your back. You will have many friends but only few will be the best. You may be standing amidst crowd but yet feel lonely. Lots of people may know you but only few will understand you. Some people seek one home and some …


Life, a continual change preceding death, existence of an individual human being. Life itself is a meaning, living itself is a ‘definition‘ living itself defines our life. Sometimes exotic combination of ups and down.In a moment we seem to be happy in the next we are sad. Ultimately never goes planned, still everybody is so …


People and Books both are same in many ways like both are judged by their outer appearance. People are just like books, full of stories behind the cover, you know them only when you want to know them, and for that you have to read and listen to their story by yourself. Because if you …


Living in the 21st century, yet we didn’t grew up as a human being on the planet. Not talking about a single person or a single nation but almost all of them. Exploring different parts of the world makes us aware of many situations, and also makes us realise the fact that maybe we have …

Dark Reality of Forgotten India – I

Not all people are aware of the situation in the country side.The customs followed over there and how the women are treated over there.Being a boy in the villages or the cities can be a lot favourable but being a girl, situation becomes opposite of it. People always want to control girls, be it her …

आओ मिलकर सीखें चलना…

आओ मिलकर सीखें चलना गिर गिरकर फिर सम्भलना कैसी भी हो मंजिल हरपल आगे बढ़ना। कुछ मोड़ मिलेंगे राहों में जिनका तोड़ है तुम्हारी निगाहों में कुछ उलझन भरे सवाल होंगे तुम्हारे पास जिनके जवाब होंगे बस जरुरत है उन्हें पहचाने की पूरे मन से उन्हें अपनाने की विश्वास तुम्हारा डगमगाएगा आत्मविश्वास हिल सा जाएगा …

मैं ही जिन्दगी की राह हूँ

मैं रेत सी हूँ, कभी टिकती हूँ कभी फिसल जाती हूँ मैं हवा हूँ, कभी चलती हूँ कभी रूक जाती हूँ मैं ही जिन्दगी की राह हूँ, मैं बदलाव हूँ। कभी बादल बनकर आसमान पर छा जाती हूँ, कभी सूरज की किरणें बनकर बादलों को चीरकर निकल जाती हूँ, मैं ही जिन्दगी की राह हूँ, …

We Promote The One’s Who Are Already good At Something!

Some people might say, why shouldn’t we promote the good one’s. Let’s talk from the basic when we are in primary classes, our teachers always praise the the kids who are active and are more interactive from the beginning. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be praised, they definitely should be praised they deserve it.But …

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